VBA code was written to make the arrival of new emails more obvious with a more intrusive message box and continuous sound (Link->Outlook Repeating Alarm for New Email). The message box and sound will continue until the message box is acknowledged or times out. An alarm for the email can be set to repeat from either the message box or by letting the message box time out. The repeating sound and message box can be dismissed in the message box or by taking action to handle the email (deleting, moving or reading the email). Two sets of code are listed. “CODE MINIMAL” contains few features. “CODE” contains has more features that are selectable by altering the code. This was written for Outlook 2007 running in Windows 10. The message box time out uses an undocumented feature in the user32 library (alias MessageBoxTimeoutA). It has been available since Windows 7 but there is not guarantee it will remain available.